Another Turn soon to be faced

Wow it has been more than a month since my last post, time really is using rocket now, its flying... Where to begin, where to end, so many things to share, so little words to write. Words just express the things, but not the feelings. . Lets Begin . After long and tiring efforts by all the family members, we managed to complete our home renovation. It is actually not a renovation, its construction, since the home is new for us, just we constructed 2 rooms in it before we could actually shift for the first time. . 9 th Decemeber will be remembered when regardless of everyone's opposition and laziness, I shifted all the furniture and things to new home and we stayed our first night at new HOME. . The feeling of first time cooking, first time eating, even bathing felt so wonderful, it was like, you sow a seed and when it grows into a fruit you ripe it and enjoy the taste. . We had been waiting for this home...