What Happens when you Engage in Real Accident in Malaysia

Yesterday while returning back from Work, I had involved in Car Accident at NKV Highway. 
Fortunately, I was perfectly fine with small impact on the car. 
With average speed of 80km/hr, I noticed a sudden stop of car in front of me, due to which I had no other option to pull my brakes completely. However I realized instantly that it was not enough and I decided to pull my Hand Brake, which made my car skid off the road and hit the divider. (later i came to know that the sudden brakes were due to a deadly accident in front which had toppled the cars and involved injuries as I saw running Bomba/Ambulance/Police cars to the area of incident. 
Damage Parts; Bumper, Light, Mud Flipper, body on top of wheel
At first I couldn't comprehend what had happened, which was natural behavior. I got out of car and the guy behind me asked me if he can go as he was not involved in any accident. He informed me to call 999 and share the incident.
. While I was doing the reporting of incident, one guy stopped over and offered help. 
Later he introduced himself to be member of Platinum registered Panel for my Insurance. he assured that Tow-Truck was on the way and he will help me through out the process without any charges. 
At first I was little skeptical and of course why shouldn't I be. It was my first accident ever and some more anyone could take benefit out of grieved guy. I called my insurance company and reported the same and informed them about the person offering such help. 
At first they refused to accept any of such and asked me to wait while they will send another tow and they were not even ready to talk to the guy or check if he was really geniune, but after insiting few times she agreed to check and ended up, the workshop was actually registered as panel in their database. They allowed to proceed with him for necessary action. .
Tow truck arrived in 30 minutes and while it tow my car, the guy offered to go to Balai Police to do the incident report. 
Making a police report was simple also and costed me RM2, later when I met Sargent, he informed that I should be summoned as per normal procedure but then He didn't summon me and allowed to get away..
I thanked the guy for all the assistance. Booked my Grab and left to home. 
This morning I emailed the workshop for all the documents in order to process the Insurance before doing repair works on my car. 
Valuable Experience 
1. Never Rash Drive
2. Trust your gut feeling and generally people are very nice and offered help would be genioune help. But you must also be careful and consult close people in such scenarios. 
3. Never  Panic during incidents as panic may result in wrong decisions. Must stay composed. 
4. Trust your Lord who has created you. Always thank Him for each breath and each heart beat. 
5. Alot of bad could happen, I mean If I would have been in middle lane, same steps would have skidded me to other lane and hit another car from side, repercussions of which are unimaginable. 


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