Blurrrrrrrrr and Confused

Today i was in a big fix. All day i was thinking, what to do, either to :
Go home and take leave for 3 days
Stay here in capital and do reports and works pending
All day my mind was fighting with my heart.
Mind VS Heart.
I asked for advice from differnent people and realised that i dont have much decision power. i need to control this, anyways,,after long time i decided not to go home...
12 days only after my intern ends and then back to MALaysia for one year, makes me sad ,, so sad...
but If i leave for home, even though i have got leave for 3 days, who will:
Make Logbook reports
Final Presenation
Prepare for IELTS test
Coordinate with UTP supervisor
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. so blur so confused.... heart vs mind,,,, but finally the MInd wins,,,,
I am not going home or Larkana and the program is postponed.. ....
I will stay here,, suffer,, but inshallah my progess will not suffer....
those 12 days mean alot to me,, alot,, alot,,, waiting for those,, so desperatley....


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