At 29th August 2010 I participated in UTP Mathematics Olympiad organised by the rakan masjid for the RAMADAN DISCOVERY..

Well as for the participation, i woke up late as usual but managed to get their after slight delay in program..

there were 20 questions in the test and was 2 hours examination.
10 questions only in 1 hour seems easy but it was NOT.
there were many questions related to algebra, probability, geometry and other logarithm questions.

Competition was based on teams so me and imtiaz formed a team, but during the competition they asked us to solve individually so that they can combine the points of each to make the score. well thats also fair, but some of the questions that came out were not FAIR AT ALL..

the sample of such questions is :

5 politicians (A,B,C,D,E) make following statements
a) C & D are lying
b) A & E are lying
c) B & D are lying
d) C & E are lying
e) A & B are lying
which politician is definitely lying??

WELL COME ON.. how are we supposed to answer this..

whatever, we tried to do our best, the best we knew.. but lets see. whats the result. (im not going to post the result here).. on the whole the expereince of facing these kind of questions was great.. haha and i enjoyed it very much


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