The Elevator

14th October 2010.
Today was the project demo for the Industrial automation and control systems subject

Well the project was to design, do programming and implement some real application process which has got some automation in it. We were supposed to do programming of PLC with language called Ladder Diagram. Luckily the project was group project so I had friends to help me but then worst part of the project was that the project carried only 5 %.

Whole the week i was working hard to get this thing done. There were many things to be understood like how to do programming, how to use motor and relay and then how to make switch connections with the PLC panel. Well step by step and slowly and gradually we managed to get all of them.

The Elevator we desgined and constructed had three levels on it, the user can press switch to call the elevator at any floor and then go to any particular floor. No doubt every thing seems easy until u do it urself. Once u start doing it, u feel how hard it is.

Luckily after many days work, and all this effort the project went successful. We could manage to do all that I wanted to have in the project. Every one appreciated the project and the design. I think this is the first time when my prototype worked so successfully and that is why feeling so happy. I believe this time, God was with us or may be we were so eager to learn out of this project that what ever we tried to do and not faced so many disappointments.

I would like to thank Atta, sarfraz and special thanks to Imtiaz for helping me through the project at all time and working late in the labs. Feeling good now.

Lets not stay happy and start work again for another prototype project of Power Electronics.


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