Night Before Eid

The night before Eid has been very important night in Pakistan for Muslims. I remember when I used to go shopping late at night, i remember streets crowded with people, having shine, joy and happiness at their faces. I remember children holding their parents hands, arguing and persuading them to buy them the best shoes. I remember shops of bangles, Mehndi, earrings and necklaces where little girls trying each and buying after choosing the best one. I remember every thing, I remember all.

It feels like those days were one of the good memories that I will never enjoy again, Since we moved from one city to other, all the good times vanished. Moving from city to other, also brought me here in Malaysia, where it has been 3 years, 4 Eids of Ramdhan with out family and finally this one Eid of hajj at Malaysia as well Passed already.

I remember getting up early in morning, when every one is busy setting their clothes or having breakfast. I remember getting dressed, with full cottoned clothes, perfumes and decorations, and going to Mosque for prayer with family and relatives. I remember Hugging every one after the prayer which used to give great amount of pleasure and joy, even u dont know the person. I remember children holding balloons in their hands, running, chasing each other. I remember touching Mother feet to get her blessings after returning home. I remember the most delicious foods cooked and the most exotic sweets made at home.

Those times have passed. Its just the memory now, but i am glad i have those with me. Living with memories is no doubt good for living if u never expect to have them again.

Today was the EId, well quite unlikely to EID, where in we reached mosque late, attended the sermon that is in Malay and then no foods, no sacrifices and most of all No FAMILY.
I am glad I have friends with me, or else i would have cried. Wishes from Pakistan really touched me alot. Wishes from Malaysia made me feel that even the family is not here, some people are here whom i can call MY FAMILY.

THanks to all. every single person.

I wouldnt say this is the best eid, but it was not the worst either... I will remember the fun we had on the night before EID. Running in Rain Like Crazy chasing and Playing with Each other.
OMG. those reminds of my childhood. Luckily didnt fell sick. ^__^

Had fun with friends playing cards, having sweets and chat during lunch on day of Raya. A good Sleep during the day was also enjoyable. haha. I am thankful to Allah for blessing me the life for one more year to be able to attend this ceremony again.

Now i go prepare for my exam which is supposed to be on Friday and guess what.... I havent studied anything yet...... tooooo lazy and tooo emotional .


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