Life at home

I flied at 6th December, arrived at Pakistan at 4.30 pm.
Feeling of landing on ur country is very exceptional and special which cant be described with words. Its really amazing.

My father and brother along with 2 cousins came to fetch me at airport. I understand for my mom, how difficult it would have been for her to stay at home, but never mind i reached home at 11 pm.
I realized it is really very difficult not to cry when u meet ur parents after long time, but this time i controlled my self.

It has been more than 9 days at home and all these days, every dish is my favorite dish. Mummy makes sure that what ever she prepares, it is loved by me. Chicken, meat, grains, vegetables, fruits, breakfast, cookies and everything. Quite of my amaze, my little brother who hardly can cook anything prepared zinger burgers for me. Frankly they were so delicious and tasty. Burger with mayonese and ketchup and French fries. waaa. he is really good in that.

All these days, i simply rest at home and enjoy my freedom from all the assignments and all homeworks. Feels like i am free after many years, and yes i could not rest while internship even i was at home.

Today i helped my mother wash dishes and plates and she ran to my sister to show her that what a caring son I am.. haha.. My mother really loves me alot and i Love her as well.

My bro has suffered from Chicken pox since 3 days. His whole body is red with pimples and rashes. He got fever, soar throat and is so lazy. He is staying with me in my room so all the day i can feel what he is being through. When i lay some cream on his body, i realize how much he is suffering from those red spots, which are at his whole body. He keep on saying i look terrible, like we are going for his marriage. haha..... May God Bless him and make him well soon. Dont know why he is the one who suffers from most of the diseases in the family.


  1. Arghh...Chicken Pox is really..suffering...Especially when it happen after we getting bro still young should b better, don worry..Take Good care of him and make sure no scratch on the "pimples" if not there will b mark like the one on my face...sobxxx..^^


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