My Life an Unknown destination
The title of the post may seem like same as title of Blog
It is because, today I do feel like completely Lost
I am doing my Final Year Final semester majoring in Control in UTP
this doesnt mean I am graduating next sem,
infact i will study my 3rd year 1sem later.
Seems Funny....
Dont know what to tell people when they ask me WHAT SEM???
Decided to Be a ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENT ENGINEER in my UG studies
Am i going to continue as E&I engineer or pursue masters.
I believe my grades are good, since many people admire me,
which I suppose is a good news since I can get job easily.
is it true that it is easy to get jobs with good grades.
I left Pakistan, left my relatives and my relations for Success
today is the marriage of my cousin,
the 5th marriage I am NOT ATTENDING,
only to be some one out of groups who can shine,
DO i worth to shine out of group with no planning and future decision.
I feel there are alot of things I need to do before I graduate.
Learn Guitar, Learn Piano, Learn Skates,
Learn Mandarin, Learn French, Learn History,
Learn Bussiness.
There are always things that I want to do, like
study novels, go for badminton, jogging, play chess, play cards. read stories,
Do i have enough time to manage to do this before I graduate.
I Know, Once legend ends at UTP, it might be hard to start back.
My final year project, seems like do nothing.
the topic is one not suggested by my SV, so he doesnt know or may be I dont know what to ask
Quite in a fix how to solve, whom to ask and what to ask.
It is something I have to do.
CAn i really do it? Y seems like the Impossible thing
I started with a science student, I remember when i used to wonder,
Why people Yawn, why is earth round, Y not another earth, does birds dream,
I always was a science student, I love Electricity alot
the wave keep on dancing sometimes (AC), some times All straight (DC)
Now why am I so Different Raheel, Science still astonishes me, but I like Business more than
Science. Science Stuff cannot enter into my mind any more. Feels like
Mind Orientation is changed,,, Non polarized.. or something... A reaction

Let me make simple for those who are reading this,
My life has so many Ways, some are straight some are weird, but all ways have gates, and each gate have a Monster standing there, protecting me from going on there.
Monster of Life.
Some monsters i can defeat, by losing some energy, its like you beat 3 small monsters or 1 big one. I wonder if I kill 3 small and follow three ways, will i get anywhere or should I just Kill one, but what if that way also dont lead me anywhere.
Today Went for Badminton again. Feels so tired now..
May be the blog is boring... Its just DUmp feelings out of my crazy mind.. or should i say Lonely Mind. haha
Have fun Every one.
I know I will do something my with my life. even though NOT SHINE
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