Decision... ?????

I am Gemini and one of the attributes of Gemini is, they cant decide for what they want.
Being Gemini, I also have this characteristic in me.

I remember time when I had to choose.
University in Better city OR university in my home town
Engineering or Medical
Desktop or Laptop
Instrumentation or Power
Times i mentioned are some of those when I had to choose.
I chose university in my home town, engineering, desktop, and instrumentation.
I chose knowingly that sometimes my decision may not bring what It is good for me,
but I just followed my heart. .
Heart is something that brings contention, PEACE to you.
Consider it a small baby.
if you listen to it and do what it says, It will stay calm and be the best child ever.
Heart is the one, which brings joy, happiness, tears, glory, pride all the intangible feelings.
So when there is a time,
You cant think of what it is right for you or wrong for you
Listen to heart.
God also gave Mind to think, to analyse, not simply do what u want to do.
Animals have feelings, but not strong analytical power to react with unconditional things.
Mind will think pros and cons. and will help u decide what it is good and what may prove to be bad for u in future.
So here I am talking something that is confusing.
Heart or Mind
Put it in simple way
We should analyse the outcomes of options we have and then let Heart decide for us based on the outcomes we have. Since Heart is more powerful than Mind.

Option A : Success, Home, Family, Career, Money, learning with easy pace
Option B : Success, Dream, New world, New friends, Lots of challenges.

If I prefer Family. I can let every thing go and just stay with them and choose Option A. But If I prefer to follow my dream, and be successful, I will choose option B. Indeed Family is something which helps u decide, rather than others.


Some one has truly Said.
"Do not be afraid to make a quick decision
as it does not necessarily mean it is irresponsible
or will not work out.
When you know what you want there should never be any doubts""

Life is short, let every moment mean something for u and every one around u .


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