Some Memories and First Job at Pakistan

Today after so much effort, finally I am able to write here. 
Update my old stories and memories. 
Different Phases are involved in it. 
Firstly : THE FAMILY

Returning back to home was one of the best decision, and I had missed them since 8 months. so It was nice to see every one happy and jolly. 
23nd September I arrived at Pakistan and started to relax at home. 
After 2-3 weeks resting at home, I decided to go to my original city to see some of my relatives and old friends. I stayed four days there and was able to spend enough time with all the relatives as well as all the friends. Every day was a hectic day and full of enjoyment. It is always exciting to sit with your old buddies and discuss about your failures and achievements. 
Through out the stay at my home, I was kinda tutor to my brother, I keep on instructing him on doing things like when to study, when to play games, and when to sleep. He might had got annoyed but I believed he needed that attention and care since Papa and Ami couldnt manage to give them. 
9th November came the religious Eid day (Hari raya), I believe this was also among the best Eid's ever. The best part was that my cousin and all their family had come to our home and had stayed with us for all the Eid days. We had B.B.Q for the first time at home with the joint coordination of my elder brother and my cousin, The BBQ night came out to be more than just eating fresh baked and cooked meat, it was full of dances and chitchats, and family talks. I really enjoyed those days alot.

My brother Khalil Ahmed

After the Eid, all the family decided to go to Karachi and celebrate some holidays there. so there we went. ..
Meeting with relatives at karachi and wishing them Eid Greetings was very nice. and I enjoyed it alot.
No doubt passing time with family is the most wonderful time and I didnt realized two months passed when I got my first job. Thanks to every one for making those moments so wonderful. 

Secondly: Career ( Getting a Job)
I have been applying to various companies in Malaysia, to get the job of my field but failed to find one due to restrictions on Foreign Employment, however as soon as I returned home, I started applying here. I applied in some good companies and waited for their reply.
Due to huge population of Pakistan and less opportunities, the competition is further increased and companies tend to shortlist on several interview sessions and tests conducted. One of the requirement of some companies as well as universities is to get GAT (Graduate Aptitude  Test) cleared. So I also applied for it and by Grace of Allah, I got position in it with overall percentage of 97%.
One of the company I applied back then is Descon Engineering Limited. I applied some where in beginning of October and after several applications, the only response I got from any company was Descon, They invited me for Computer Based Test on 25th October. The problem was that the test was conducted in Lahore, that is in state of Punjab and was approximately 18 hours distance from my home. So it was hard decision to be done. Anyways, since I didnt had any other option I went for it.
I went to Lahore on 23th,  reached there on 24th, gave my test on 25th and left for my city on same day and reached home on 26th. Unfortunately I cleared the test and then came again the another date to travel. This time they called me on 3rd November for Group Discussion. I repeated the above procedure and was hoping that I get disqualified so that atleast I have some reason to exempt it. But No, God had decided something else for me.
As long as I reached home, I found another invitation for Last Interview on 15th November.
Dont Know why but everything happened so fast that I couldnt realize, Well cutting things short, I managed to clear the interview as well and they gave me an offer on 25th November and asked me to join on 1st December.
So here I am .. EMPLOYED after traveling 19 hours like 7 times to and fro from Home to Lahore and vice versa and fighting with the converse atmosphere and people
IT is 1 Month since I am employed by now..
Before I got a job, the two months i spent at home, I was so restless, I think thats how every fresh graduate feels, or may be those who dont believe in themselves feel, or may be the surroundings made me feel like this.

Well these were two aspects of my Life, which I wanted to share.
Now Living at hostel again with two lovely sweet roommates and colleagues, and am happy by now.
Winter is at peak and it is sometimes less than -2 degrees at night and dont know why, even I get sick in it, I LOVE WINTERs
Thats it for now... Further updates about the experience at job will be uploaded soon.


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