A note from my life

Present Condition

Weekend Finished. Thinking of work tomorrow again. 
Weekend was quite boring, same room and staying at same place lying on bed doing nothing sometimes makes you bored. Job itself is fun.. Fun to learn, Fun to make your self satisfied that you do things and you are paid.
Life at hostel room with wonderful buddies, one chatting now and one studying for his Masters thesis. 
Life is struggle, away from home, when i talk to family, feels like nothing is better than that, 
feels like may be one day, I will be with them. 
But tomorrow never comes, the more I try for better place, the more i am getting away from family. 
I love them and they love me too, and probably they need me as well but .. all I can do is work hard on my part and pray for their health and safety. 

May Allah Bless us all.. Life the gift He has given us is so nice, but its just we are not making full out of it. 

Love Others and dont expect to get the love in return.. We think alot and Love and feel Little. 


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