A Beginning of New Life

Well, where to start,
Lets Begin from May 2012, when I got the offer, 
1st June, I got my Medical Results and 11th June, sent them to the company for verification. 
23rd June, I got cleared from the medical and Documents were submitted for VWR. 
6th June, I resigned from the company I was working. 
Enjoyed Ramdhan with my family, then Ietekaf and Eid. 
Continued to stay busy helping my family in house chores and Home renovation. 
Enjoyed every bit of time with family, then Eid-ul- Adha. 
Lovely BBQ at home as usual. 
5th December got my VWR letter. 
9th December we moved to our new home. 
Purchased new furniture and decoration materials
14th December, received my VWR. 
3rd January I got my flight ticket and applied for Visa, 
11th January got my visa and postponed my flight to 1st Feb.
16th Jan got Protector stamped on my passport. 
Then started the shopping phase.
and Finally 1st Feb, Thai Airlines (TG 508 KHI - BNK , TG 415 BNK - KL) at 12:15 am on Friday I flew to Malaysia. 
The long awaited journey finally ended and Volla, I was here at Kulalumpur at 12 pm. 
Tomorrow my first week at work will finish, and I cant express how happy I am. 
No words can express. 
Sometimes dreams do come true. but just sometimes, not all aa. 
Thank You Allah, thank you so much, 
Please keep protecting my family back home, while i am here for all the problems or dangers they may face. 


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