Dream Come True

Dream Come true, or should I say, Man Proposes and God Disposes 
what ever is the title, it suits my situation. 
Today when I look 2 days back, I feel what I went through was my stupidity, or may be it was fated. 
Now when it is already over with no much consequences, I feel happy to share and blessed, since as a Muslim, I believe, there must be something BIG ( a hurdle, a calamity) taken away from my life or my beloved ones. 
So here it starts. 
I woke up 4.50 am with all my luggage packed with a plan to catch a flight to Johor at 7.30 like always. 
I had called a taxi at 5.30, so I had my meal, got ready and waited for taxi to call me. 
Taxi did come at 5.30 but by the time I reached down my apartment to catch it, the taxi guy already flew away. There was, but , one taxi waiting for one girl to go somewhere, and he did offer me to go KL sentral but as I had committed to radio cap, i denied the offer. 
I called the Radio Cap again, and they said, they arrange another taxi for me and I wait. 
Well after waiting for 15 mins, I called them back and they apologized saying there is no taxi at that time. 
what then... 
I started running towards LRT station, to catch the train to kL sentral. 
At 6 I managed to catch train. 
Inside my heart, I knew, I AM LATE, and I am going to miss my flight, but Hope, hope keeps your thriving right? 
I knew, the train shall take 30 mins, then another train to airport shall be scheduled for 6.40, so I only had 10 mins to catch that train, and reach airport by 7.10, and If I am damn lucky, I will be allowed to get in plane, but yes it never happened. 
Reaching airport, I lost my ticket for train, due to which I had to buy another train ticket just to get out of counter. 
Even after several requests to officer, she did not allow me to get on plane, and ofcourse how could she, the plane was already on move and all counters closed. 
A dream, which kept on haunting me for years and years. 
Now I know what does actually it feels, when you miss it. So now it is not going to haunt me anymore :)
I returned back to KLsentral on Bus. Got taxi to go to Bus Station (TBS), got into the bus to Johor on 10.15 and finally after all this, reached johor at 3pm. I missed the flight and indeed i missed the meeting I was supposed to attend. 
BUT WAIT. I recall, I learnt more than I could get from any meeting, 
Firstly, I am bad in time management. haha
Secondly, Never trust those Taxi Cap people. 
Thirdly, Stay positive and it shall keep you moving. 
and Finally, as I said in beginning, I believe, I have been released of something that was coming to me, something really bad, but through this small trouble, I managed to escape it. 
Indeed Man has got no power, it is just as blind as a sheep, which never know what shall happen next. 
By hiding the Future from us, and helping to forget the past, God has made Life easy and unpredictable which makes Him supreme and All Knowing. 
Human goes through several experiences, some are good, while only bad ones have the honor to develop human. I learnt my lesson and realized how dependent we are on Nature, on God, and how everything can go against us. 
I Kept on thinking, if God wants to test my patience or if He is punishing me, haha, 
But I know, He is all forgiving and Merciful, so it was merely the transformation from BIG problem to small ones. 
Thank You God . Indeed we plan only, but plans come true with your permission. 


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