Little things
Most of us in our busy lives have Big dreams to perceive,
Big Money to make,
Big Car to Buy,
Big achievements
All sometimes we are concerned about are big things, where in we ignore SMALL PRECIOUS THINGS,
which are as important as the others.
Persuasion of anything has some reason, most of the time, is HAPPINESS,
when a dream comes true, you feel happy. but we do not realize we can be happy even before our dreams are achieved, as some one has rightly said,
"It is not the destination, instead journey that matters"
And journey is full of small things, which combine to make a big dream in reality.
Happiness, what is this happiness,
I realized,
A baby's unconscious laughter like never ending is Happiness,
Old Lady in train, helping her lifting some vegetables is Happiness,
A worried man, telling simple words, Everything Shall be OK is Happiness,
A childish act that brings a smile on mothers face is Happiness,
Little teasing, playing with younger siblings is Happiness,
Listening to Old people's experiences is Happiness,
A hand of pray passed over head, or tapped over shoulder is Happiness,
Lying sick on a bed, some one unexpected coming to ask you is Happiness,
Siting alone, thinking of friends is Happiness,
A Smile given to a stranger with a smile received is Happiness,
. ...
and it goes on,
I realized, to be happy, one need not to achieve big goals or high distinctions, its just matter of detaching this feeling of heart from any materialistic thing and keeping it to simple things, little things, the one we ignore.
Journey is most important, Destination is not.
I will stop looking for my destination, when I can have a beautiful Happy journey towards it.
Its Never HAppy Ever After .... since after has long way to go
lets try happy during and after...
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