Life with Guests

Its not that I am busy, 
not that I have nothing to write. 
Infact every single day passes by, there are many things, which are remarkable, which I want to write and keep, but dont know what has stopped me. May be I am rushing for something, and wanted to write at end of destination, but i guess, destination is death so I must write before it. 
Sun is about to rise, cool wind is coming through the gallery while I am writing this blog and listening to Tilawat by Mesharey Alfasy, as suggested by one friend. Its so touching, so refreshing. like a mirror, it shows all that is not right so that you can correct. 
Past few days, I had some guests. Nothing much to write about them, except for one. He is the friend of brother of my best friend. so basically all the guests had no relation what so ever with me, yet they stayed with me at my place as it all goes back to my friend. One guy, he is having heavy habbit of drinking. 
When Islam says, dont drink alcohol, it says on purpose. This guy every single day sits on couch starting 6 pm and till 12 he keeps on drinking and listening to song. At 12, he sleeps not knowing anything. His condition at night is a drunk person, who is not in senses of anything, needs to take support of wall to go to pee. Black Label 40 % of alcohol is too much and he finishes 1 bottle in 2 days. WOW, had never experienced such person drinking every day in front of me. Glad the guests are gone back. 
Yet Many things came clear to me. I can not explain, cant write here. One thing I can write here I learnt is Self less life has more happiness than selfish life. When I had guests, I accompanied them all the while, buying meals for them, taking all around for visiting and trying to provide as much as comfort and serve as much as possible, which led me to live for them, against what I have been living, Living alone in my appartment where by everything is for me. I guess most of us are living selfish life, I mean come on, how many of us spend their times solely for others with out any personal benefit. 
Soon going to Pakistan to attend my brother marriage and to support my family. 
Job and work are just perfect, going as good as they can go. seems like I am too work oriented as I do not have much social life and not much friends. I think I like to be alone sometimes but I need friends as well to talk all the time. 
Life is teaching me different things, nothing technical though, yet something which can only be learned through experience. I believe I am better person than before, yet so many things in this world I want to change. The fake people, living fake life, with all the masks of happiness with hearts sorrow, masks of richness, masks of close relations. so many things keep on going through my mind that disturbs me. 
Giving is receiving. 
Life is simple, and love is basic ingredient. 
Thank U Allah for blessing me with all this even though I dont deserve this. 
Time to offer Fajir. 
Indeed to follow His path is not easy in this world, which is full of unease, competition, race and selfishness. Thanks God for sending another Guest today. I shall serve him at my best


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