2015 - Feeling the pressure

This Year I have two projects assigned to me along with all the other professional challenges I have to face. 
Life is full of struggle. But I need to keep my energy high and not loose it as I do not why, the purpose of my actions is getting lost. 
I do not know if I want to do what I am doing for rest of my Life. 
I love what I am doing, but still the passion is getting diverted. 
Is it that at different ages of life, your passion changes. 
March 2nd, I have ACD, annual assessment where I have to prove my knowledge. Why even after 2 years, I feel like fresh graduate with very general knowledge. Why sometimes I dont feel Like engineer. 
Its has been while since I have not written anything, though so much happened. I will write quite often now. 
These days, having good time with my house mate who is Egyptian and can not speak English. Its too difficult to explain your thoughts without a language. So we seek help of gestures, sounds, hand postures, and most importantly. Google translate. Its fun to explain simple sentence with dancing, acting and funny sounds. Like, what car you have. What zuuuunn zuuun, hahaha. 
Life is beautiful, it has always been,, I just need to keep myself satisfied and work hard and focus on my work to be a good engineer as well as good person. My value, my actions will speak forever even though I die, engineering dies with me. I want to be a person who touches alot of lives, make difference to many people. change people perspective. But I do not know how, and my passion is also dwindling. Cheers All. Good Night


  1. Two years are consider new, do not give up...soon you will see the results and outcome :)


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