Ahmed Words & Wisdom

Today Ibrahim came to my house with his friend Ahmed. 
I have been hearing about Ahmed all this while and it was my first time to see him in person. 
Well how to describe him, He impressed me with his first meeting and is kind of person I would like to meet again. Meeting for first time and yet it felt we are friends since long, that is how he created his first impression. 
He started asking me about my marriage plans and told me that he already have wife and a kid while he is just 22. While talking about the qualities of a wife, we came to one of the quality i.e. Religious. 
He shared how important it is to offer Prayers, i.e. 5 times a day. 
"Islam have 5 pillars, out of which, Hajj is only obligatory when you have resources, Zakat when you are capable, fasting once in a year, Shahadah we all say, then last are prayers which infact are the only element that keep us Muslim every day. Prayers are commandment from Allah and once you follow his commands, you are bound to go Heaven. When Allah have rights on you, i,e. worship Him, Human have rights too on God, i.e. once you pray to Him, He has to let you enter in heaven so it is both ways. Some times we believe it is ok if we do not pray 5 times, while we are still good person, but consider your father ask you to clean a table. Clean this table, Clean this table. and what you do, is clean the floor below the table to make it neat. Father come and see the table still messy, he will say, Its good that you cleaned the floor but what i asked you to clean is table and I would be more happy if you do what I asked to do. Indeed God will be happy when we do more than his commandments but then there is no other way than to his orders, that is obligatory to Muslims. 
Prayer is the first question on day of heaven and prophet said, those who can pass first question can pass rest of the questions like how did you live your life. So what is the relation between first question getting good and rest getting good and first getting bad, rest getting bad. Its because Allah says, He forgive all the sins of person between the prayers. So those who offer prayers 5 times, his sins between the prayers are being forgiven. So if on day of judgement, person can confidently pass his first question, he can pass the rest as their are no sins in his book. We do so much and plan so much for this short world and life, yet the life of hereafter we do not think, which has no limits, no time zone, no boundary. No time can classify how much have you lived there or how much will you live. Its FOREVER. so if you are in heaven, you are gona be there and everyone knows how Heavens are. and if you go to Hell, you will be there. It all depends on small deeds and actions that we do in this world, i.e. 8 mins of prayers average times 5= 40 minutes a prayers per day gives you countless rewards in this world and hereafter"
May Allah give reward to Ahmed as well as may He keep us on right path. Ameen. 


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