The most Prestigious Citizenship

 Citizenship of any land or Country entitles one to many rights, e.g. Living, Education, Owning a house, Social Security, Justice, and many others; moreover, citizenship is an identity of where the individual belongs. 


Being a Citizen of a developed country is so much different than a third-world developing country. A developed country will ensure their citizen has access to all basic human needs of food, shelter and security, physical and mental health, education, basic income, and employability, whereas, for a developing country, the governments are usually busy nurturing their own pockets with very little to spend on common people. 

Due to this, it is obvious for one to strive to get the citizenship of developed countries. Many across the globe dream to be citizens of Canada, Australia, or the US. Here in Australia, I meet people on daily basis, who have been striving very hard day in and out with the single goal to be eligible for Australian Citizenship one day.  Many work for more than 12 hours to meet the daily expenses, sacrifice their comforts, leave their families back home and struggle to get to their dream. I also met people who have been working strenuously and spending a lot of their savings, to only know that the governments changed the policies and eligibility of citizenship, leading them to start over again. All these struggles, sacrifices, efforts, blood, and sweat is just for the dream to be an Australian Citizen, as it offers benefits discussed above. 


So I keep wondering, which is the best citizenship, the most prestigious, one with the most rights, for the land with most comfortable weather, the most beautiful and cleanest surroundings, the most friendly and renowned people,  that one should diligently strive for, that one should prioritize among all the goals, where getting citizenship will be real SUCCESS. But wait, does DEAD have any citizenship? it's a weird question, but something to ponder about. If the answer is NO, it means all the efforts undertaken by an individual will have him no benefit if he/she dies. So which one is the most prestigious citizenship, something which benefits after death? 


Well, the answer is The Paradise, the Jannah, which has been promised by not any government of country but the Lord of all the worlds. Allah says: 

“And give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens [in Paradise] beneath which rivers flow. Whenever they are provided with a provision of fruit therefrom, they will say, ‘This is what we were provided with before.’ And it is given to them in likeness. And they will have therein purified spouses, and they will abide therein eternally.” (Q. 2:25)

There are so many places in the Quran, where Allah describes Heaven and its beauty and the characteristics of the people living in it. In my view, that Land really is the most prestigious land and its citizenship should be the most important goal of all. The citizenship that will last FOREVER, literally forever i.e. eternal with no end. 

No Pains, No Sorrows, 

Surrounded by Prophets, the Most respectable, 

Beautiful Wives, and Servants

Delicious Foods and drinks

Safety, Security, Respect

Above All, Love of your Lord, the Allah

I wish, everyone really strives as hard as, if not more, than the worldly goals we focus and work for. Because death is the end of the world, but it is the beginning of the new world, whose abode may be Heaven or Hell. Indeed Hell (Jahanam) is the worst place of all whose fuel will be Humans and Jinn, the heat so intense, whose food will be tree trunks, and drinks will be hot boiling waters. May Allah save us from the fire of Hell and award us with the citizenship of Jannatul Firdaus, which is the highest of all the Heavens and closest to Allah.  


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