today i chat with goay after the office hours, sometimes it feels like so lonely, when every one is around you,, and somtimes you feel so filled, even when no one is there... With me is the first case. chatting with goay halped me little, i know i am kind a person always making fun of friends,, and make fun with friends,, thats y i always scold her... i like to scold her. dont know y ? feels like she is closer to me,.. i dont know if she likes it or not, but then i feel if she is my friend i have right to tease her.. hahah BAD RAHEEL..

today during office hours, i went to supervisor office to submit my montly reports,. but then after looking through, he asked me to explain all about the processes, i started and told him everything about the processes and units involved. i was happy that i remembered all that was not my feild,, but then a TURN OVER. he said what department are you, I said ELECTRICAL... then this person, started to fire me with alot of those questions,which i never figured it out... although they were electrical related like
Y 220 and Y 110?
i was like,, AHHH? well whatever,, one thing i realised that, even if you know that you know most of things, you never know, what things you really dont know...
haha.. i will study on all these, and work hard to cover them along with me petroleum stuff...
thats it for today.. c ya


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