Final Year

Internship is over, time in Pakistan is over and now i am back here again in UTP.

I remember the time when i arrived in Pakistan after one year, i was afraid of everything, everything seemed strange. I was frightened of big traffic, loud sounds, and bearded people. I still dont know why was it so... Eight months, i stayed in Pakistan, majority of what i lived in Islamabad, the capital of pakistan and very dangerous place. But I am thankful to allah, that through out my internship or stay in pakistan, i never faced any problem. Allah is great

Now Final year in UTP , seems like it was yesterday when i was leaving for internship, the time in between (eight months) are gone in a moment. I didnt have the roomate, i didnt have the room, so i needed to arrange for eveything; seemed like life is very hard, and only u are the one who can do for yourself.

I am missing my family, my home, and dont know why, i just dont want to study in UTP again. I promise, this sem wil be the fun semester, no studying hard only smart. haha..

I love all my family, all my friends out in pakistan and the home PAKISTAN.


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