Coming back home on 10 july after 3 months and 22 days was very great. I was missing to be back home. My internship Period has been ended now, a Utp supervisor came for my Evaluation and visiting Pakistan. Last week i have been making him wander the city of Islamabad and the Universities of Quiad-e-Azam and Bharia. The time with him was very great and as well as fruitful since i had the chance to be closer to PCPL HR Mr. Rusly Wahab and PCPL GM Mr. Hanafi Talib.

Lately they advised me to improve co-curicculum activities to be a good leader as well as learn critical thinking and management skills. Well i need to learn all those and I willl. In shallah.....

Today All the Family went to Sewan Sharif to Visit the tomb of Qalandar Lal Shahbaz. This trip was a family trip and we had hired a hiace for this. The visit was Very exciting since it was the first time if i remember I visited the Sewan Sharif. Well everyone enjoyed the trip and the time was passed very nicely.


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