Ramadhan & Eid-ul- Fitr.

Ramadan is no doubt the month of blessings, mercy and forgiveness. Some people just waste it and some make the best of it.
Quran Says

"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious)"

So as it is clear, the only objective of Ramadan is to be pious. When Muslim fasts, no doubt it starts to constrain himself from all the bad activities, like lying, drinking alcohol , back bitting, all sexual activities and he adopts the life of pious person who worships his God and wants to sacrifice everything for him. No doubt Ramadan is the most favorite of all the months and is the most blessed one.

Fasting means, worshiping Allah and it is one of the pillar of Islam, where in a Muslim keeps himself away from food from the dawn until dusk when the sun sets. All during his fast, he Prays to Allah, asks for forgiveness to his sins and do good deeds. Worshiping and becoming pious for one month has an effect which may last for rest of the year so that a Muslim may continue worshiping Allah for the rest of month. No doubt Ramadan is considered as the Month to Refresh your Belief and Iman.

As the Ramadan is over, all the Muslims celebrate the Eid together by distributing sweets, and presents. In Pakistan, all the streets look so pleasant with the small girls wearing multi colored clothes, bangles, shoes and bracelets holding balloons and running with joy. They just look extremely good and exquisite. Eid is verily the day of happiness and joy, where in all relatives come together and share their happiness together.


This is the fourth time i am spending me Ramadan Eid without my family, seems like i am used to with this, since i didnt feel anything this time. I know whats gona happen and how is the eid will be so i was emotionless. At Eid, i woke up aftAdd Videoer 2 hours sleep and after taking bath, wore the new clothes i brought from Pakistan. All of my friends went together to the mosque to pray together and as the Khutba was over we all had hugs and salams with each other. Nodoubt hugging with friends doesnt compensate for ur parents but it does compensate a little. Then was the photo session. I remember the last Eid, this time the number of friends was less and next year will be even lesser than this since many of us will be graduated by that time. Anyways life is to go on and we should look forward instead of sticking with old memories.

After the photo session, we went for the food which is always arranged by the UTP for international students and i must say it is very delicious food. It seems Malay cook delicious foods only on Raya or special occasions because the rest of time the food is just for survivor. Well every Eid, we plan to make something by ourselves as well so this time we cooked the custurd. Actually ATTA cooked custurd and yes it was very tasty. we all loved it together. The eid day is usually celebrated by watching movie at Jusco Ipoh, so today we also planned to go to jusco. Thus we hired two cars and went to ipoh to enjoy our Eid. It is fun to be with freinds and enjoy the city and Jusco together.

When we arrived the first show was that of the movie named "Resident Evil" some part i dont remember. The movie was all fiction and since this is the first part we were looking so we didnt enjoy that much, but yes again, watching movies in cinema with friends is fun, a hell of fun. After the movie we all enjoyed the meal together and then finally after lot of shopping we came back to UTP.

This is how i passed by EID, I will not say it was bad or boring. I just missed my friends and family, on the contrary enjoyed a lot with friends.

The Eid in Pakistan was the next day so not many of my friends or relatives wished me. I felt sad over that but then my friends and Jusco made my day...



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