Unknown Call

Today After the lunch when i was preparing for the FYP progress report to submit, i had a call.. an unknown number.

The call was from landline, so most probably it was from the University.

Hello I am Salina, are u Raheel Ahmed Shaikh

Dr. Hisaham wants to see you to present you to an accredit ion panel for Engineering.

Will u be able to come to Block 22 at 2.30?
I have a Report to submit

Don't worry about it, Just come over.
oK. c YA

I went to the block where around 15 of the students, 12 from final year final semester and 3 from Final year first sem were called on. The purpose was to answer some of the questions of the panel that had come to give accredit ion to UTP Electrical Department.

After some time, we all went inside the meeting room of the block 22. There were three persons, 2 ladies, and a guy.
Well they asked us about the various things. some were told correctly, while some things were lied. They asked us, how many departmental tips to Plant, industry or sites are organised. Some one answered 3. I was like ahh..... COme on.. How can it be three... ????

Anyways i know this had to be done.
Well at the end they asked us about the things we want UTP electrical department to improve and i was lookign to every one,, that may be some one speak up.. But no one did. haha

If they would have asked me to speak, I might had spoken bad about my Engineering Institution. Luckily I was not asked.

Well after the couple of questions they agreed with us and the session was over.
I hope UTP gets its accreditation through which it would be able to design its curriculum by itself..


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