There are certain things I wonder !!!
How to do.

I meet different people every day, and as they say, each person is unique in some way,
i find that every one is different in one or the other way.
but there are similarities as well.
I have found people having similarity in habit of telling LIE.
I wonder How to do it.

I just wonder how to tell a lie. I know it is bad habit but Isnt it really important in this weird selfish world. Isnt it Necessity to survive. Isnt it the Key to Success. I just wonder..
I have found people having similarity in attitude of hypocracy.
I wonder how they do it.

People change in most weirdest way. I have seen people bouncing, supporting one and arguing against one at one time, while doing the opposite right at the other. Is it the Skill, a tact, a technique, or it is just hypocracy. I just wonder
Sometimes I appreciate them for being such Flexible and sometimes envy them since I am not the one. I simply wonder How to do it. ?
Is it that Human should be Human as the world requires it to be, or it should be human, as the Life requires it to be. The two terms world and life are different. For world, It keep on changing. the life of our parents were not the same as ours and our children will not be same as ours. so is it that human should change with the world. If every one lies, he starts lying as well. If everyone eat every one's right. he starts eating and deceiving as well. I mean Human pertaining to the world follows the world.
WHile on the other hand, human if be a human as Life requires it, then It will follow basic rules, Never hurt any one, Never do anything which harms any one. Never lie, never deceive, Love, Peace, harmony. These are some rules constant since the birth of first human and will remain the same until the last.
So question is What Human should we be. ??
I just wonder..... How they Do it.. How to do it and weather to do it or not..



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