Back to Old times

It is 7.30 in morning, and since I am writing the blog at this time,
it surely means, I have not slept the whole night.
Yesterday was the International Cultural Night
And for first time in the history of ICN,
Pakistan didnt perform.
I believe the only reason is the less number of students
as well as less unity among the remaining one.
Since there was no participation in it, we couldnt enjoy ICN as much as we usually do.
But yes Indeed it was the one of the wonderful one.
Because the time repeated itself.
I had Imtiaz, atta and other friends with me
We all had wonderful time together.
Shouting like crazy at the dances,
laughing and enjoying like no one,
irritating people around us with our whistles.(haha and those attempts actually made them to enjoy more)
and last but not the least, a good time with Old Buddies.
I really have realized one thing about me.
I consider my friends everything. For me, Best friends are like True brothers.. & there is one formula for brothers. Choose for him, what u like the most.
I believe friends fill life in me and without them, I am like a body but empty soul, who knows how to live but without a life. HAHA..
Every time they come, it is the happiest day of my univ life but question is do they feel the same about what i feel about them.. Well who cares.. Its like, to be just with them, I can neglect, postpone or cancel anything. My SV must be waiting for me on friday, but I am sorry I could not make it because of those Idiot and Lovely gang of friends.

Today after ICN, same fun and shugul and Maza like HELL.
Back to playing cards... (one of the recent game that i learnt and I simply love it)
Chatting, discussions, jokes and all the fun.
Untill we didnt realize it was morning.

Well these are we,.. Pakistanis. Giving most to others that we can.. Haha.
Imtiaz and Atta are treated like Guests .. Very special. and a complete protocol goes with them where ever they go.. I really couldnt have that while i was doing my Intern. haahaa
Well I know, there are people who must be enjoying, having fun and taking most of life at the same instant i was enjoying. But there are those as well, who must be suffering from some kind of problems. There must be those parents, who dont know how to feed their children. I am not talking about Pakistan.. I am talking about world here.
When ever I sit with Imtiaz, I always learn something out of him. These local topics and the discussion on them is always informative and ofcourse FUn.
Not having a roomate is blessing for some. I followed them, but turned out to be a HELl..
I really miss my roomate.. FInally Imtiaz is back.. even for 2 nights. But still his presence make my room alive...
He is sleeping with different snoring patterns this time.. haha.. he changed..
. So I will sleep as well..

Love You guys

Good Night


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