Back to Malaysia

I flied back from my Home country Pakistan on 20th January at 11.30 pm in MAS and landed Malaysia at 8.30 am in morning.

Two days i Stayed at KL with Friends Aijaz, Imtiaz, Atta and Kaleemullah and enjoyed a lot being with them.

Visiting BAtu Caves Selangor

Batu Caves is a limestone hill, which has a series of caves and cave temples, located at 13 kilometres north of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It takes its name from the Sungai Batu or Batu River, which flows past the hill. Batu Caves is also the name of the nearby village. The cave is one of the most popular Hindu shrines outside India, dedicated to Lord Murugan. It is the focal point of Hindu festival of Thaipusam in Malaysia.(Info from Wikipedia)

Indians... Indians and Indians every where, with the weird smell of the thing that they use all around in the place. THis is the First non-islamic religious Place that I ever visited in My whole Life. The experience was great and the feeling while visiting was very Weird.

Being a Muslim and worshiping the Only God, the Allah makes me astonished to see people worshiping so many of gods. Batu Caves is a Hindu Temple, full of idols and statues all around, where people are worshiping. Pooja (the worship) in various forms of Piercing, Shaving Heads, or simply by the normal procedures, everything astonished me. Finding these people so close to me was a new and incredible experience.
Monkeys, since considered as pious animal, were found at the temple as well. Tourists come and feed them and those caves are their homes now. Many of the people worship those monkeys.
I dont know the background or history of this temple and the caves, But although I respect it since it is taught to respect all the religions.

Hindu Religious Activities that interested me.:
1. Climbing the Whole Stairs, holding some pot on your shoulder
2. Before or after the WIsh is granted, Shaving the Head (Man and women)
3. Taking bath with Some holy water
4. Yellow was the sacred color for all the priests and all the followers

These activities or all the things that i witnessed may not have any spiritual meaning for me, but I felt that many of the Indians might had dreamt to visit it.
I respect it all, I believe Every Religion leads to One destination, although the paths are different.

After Visiting Batu Caves we went to Chukit for having Lunch at Pakistani Restaurant and then we walked to Dang Wangi since we planned to watch movie at TGV cinema. We reached at the Shopping Mall (Forgot the name ady) at 5, but the movie was at 6.30. So after buying the tickets we went to masjid jamek and wandered there to pass the time.

The movie we watched was Indian as well. It was the production of Amir Khan called ''Dhoobi Gath''. (the place where the clothes are watched by laundry people)
The Movie was an Art Movie and thus it didnt interest us much but although it had touched many parts of the Society that we face daily.
After the movie we returned to Wangsa Maju, where I was staying with my friends, had cooking and then Finally slept after so tiring day...

Next day We couldnt plan much, since most of the places were already visited. So we decided to go to Pavillion. Pavillion was very decorated because of Chinese New Year (on 3rd Feb). From the roofs to the Floors all the things were very nicely decorated, with Chinese touch in every thing. There were Chinese Lion costumes, Chinese drums and hallo wens and many things.

After visiting the whole, we decided to watch movie again. This time we watched ''Faster''. The movie had THE ROCK as main actor. Honestly I felt asleep in mid-way so i can say the movie was not so extra ordinary. Just a person who takes a revenge of something from few persons. No story and nothing special.
But Passing time with friends is always a fun. and thats what values the most. After visiting Pavillion, we went to Low Yat to look for some photo studios, since atta needed some passport size photos. Failing to find any studio, we returned back home and enjoyed KFC at home.

Well next morning I returned to UTP. THe time with Friends is always fun and it is something that creates more stronger bond between two persons. I feel While being with friend, you dont give anything, means Friends mostly dont need much of the things, but the TIME. TIme is something every friend need from other and it is something that is remembered for ever..



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