Water Fall & Ipoh Parade

Yesterday some of the friends of Muanis (friend from Saudi) came to UTP from KL.
So Muanis asked every one of us to join him while he go around Perak to show them the place.

So here it was decided to GO to Water Fall Near Batu Gajah Toll in the city of Kamper.

Never heard about this water fall before and never heard of this city before.
Anyways we follow them, Me, Zain and Haider
from Pakistan and rest of his friends from Yemen started our journey at 10 in morning on sunday.

It took 1 hour to reach at the place (after asking the way from the people and finding the right direction).
Before going to water fall, we tot to fill ourselves with some food. So we had a Brunch there at Mamak.
I just took Nasi and one piece of Ayam and in drink Bundung.
Well the Bill came out to be 5 Rm. I dont know May be they charged us more
because we were foreigners or may be its the reasonable price.
But for sure I pay less in UTP.

What ever, we started from Mamak shop up the hill and drove for 15 minutes
untill we reach the water fall. After parking and changing clothes we
had Mountain hiking for 15 minutes and then reached at the place for Bathing.

The water was so cold and the lake was so deep (may be 10m),
so it prevented me to go into the water (I am bad swimmer after all).
We enjoyed alot at the water fall, lying in the cold chilling water was a relaxing experience.

1. Stones are so slippery, more than u expect (since fell down twice and hurt my knee ady)
2. Water has Leech inside which sucks out ur blood without even letting u know abt it.
3. DOnt jump into water if you cant swim. haha

Well after swimming and photo shoot we returned back and then changed back to dry clothes.
Now we were planning to find another destination.

We decided to go to mosque first and then decide there, but on the Way the worst thing happened ever.
Our car had an accident with the bike of an Old CHinese Man.
It was horrible accident and the bike slipped down and had some turnings .

The clutch of the bike was pressed (destroyed) but Luckily the guy was saved. we helped him get up and paid some money before we left to mosque.

At mosque we decided to go Ipoh Parade, but Muanis friends decided to rest in UTP.
So we went to Ipoh Parade.

I dont usually come to Ipoh Parade bcz not so much crowd and no good food available. But this time it was different. THe whole shopping mall was crowded with Chinese..
CHinese Chiense every where.
I think they were in their best clothes since every one looked happy and beautiful.
The crowd really made me understand how important the CNY is for
all the chinese. I couldnt see couples around, instead I saw families.
Young gals and guys holding their old parents hand and shopping for their family..
waa it was wonderful experience. I hardly could see this.

Some more we enjoyed the show at Ipoh Parade. It was first a MAgic SHow,
then some Fashion show (Children wearing Ballon costumes with different designs
on them) and then again some funny show. All was in CHinse. I just enjoyed the activities and Music.

For FOod we went to Roger Kenny's Restaurant. It was my first time and since some one recommended me so we all went there. Well I ordered:

Quarter Chicken with Original spices
Rice, Potato Salad and Macroni as side dishes.
Chocolate Muffin was also served

And this all cost us about 20 Rm each..

Muanis was angry on the food; he said even he is hungry after eating all that and spending 20 Rm (He wanted to go Pizza. but not available).

So after visiting, eating, every one was tired. so we decided to go back, although we had plan to play bowling and watch movie.

Haha.. SO this was how i spend my Sunday with Foreigner Friends. I loved it and learnt from the Accidents i had at water fall and on the ROad.



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