Visiting Sindh III

Next morning waking up in cold winter season was very difficult as well as delightful. when i came out of OTTAQ (Place for guests), I was astonished to see that the place was surrounded by Cows and buffaloes. At night I couldn't see a thing and every one was sleeping. but now all animals were hungry to be fed.. Sitting in open atmosphere and drinking hot tea was wonderful (watching animals eating and striving for food).
After having chat with the family members of the host, we had visit of the fields and valleys, where wheat, cotton and sugarcane was cultivated. While visiting, I came to a place where I was told that my one step was at the One State Sindh, while my other foot was at the other State Punjab. ..
So I was Present at two places at one time..
Two different states.
Was amazing to feel that

After visiting fields was the time to take bath. I came to know that in villages, not all the people use washrooms to take bath, instead they use Fresh Water pumped with the help of Machines like turbines to take bath.. So here we go. Ready to bath with fresh cold water ......
It was awesome experience. I cant forget and express it.. :)

After Bath, Had lunch and then was the farewell to the Hosts and New friends for such a hospitality.
After returning from that village, we came back to Mirpur city and then to FFC, where in we changed our clothes and then went to see the village of another friend.
The region is divided into many villages, with people having different surnames. I found Kalhoras, Khokhars, Shar. Kichhi, and others. All living and owning the land or leasing the land. They although have different casts and surnames, but they are all Sindhis, since they belong to province of SIndh.. My mother Land.
Visiting the villages for 2 days and experiencing the village life was a wonderful and adventurous time. I really never thought that I would enjoy it this much, since my friends often frightened me of the Looters and robbers living there. But nodoubt I was back safe and sound with so many beautiful memories.
After visiting Villages, I went back to my Home town, Larkana. I had to change two wagons and crossing Sukkur, Rohry and all other lovely and historical citiies.
Larkana is a place where I was born and brought up. Although I had moved to Sukkur and Saudi Arabia for couple of time, but my memory and my dreams are only for the Larkana. After I moved to University we shifted to Hyderabad. Larkana is a place of all my relatives and very old and best friends.
to be continued...


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