Considered Done with the Semester

Today I finished my second paper of MCE
Like always, not expecting alot from it, but my calculation of grade makes me happy though.
EVen though have one more exam, on 12th, I declare my
self as done with the Semester.
Because things that I have been through, I consider last paper as nothing.
I remember the time of FYP, i would say, only thing i have studied through out this sem was about the FInal YeaR ProJeCT
May be I was too Dumb to understand easy things, but frankly it took lot of my time,
COncepts, Simulations, Analysis and results
Other Projects bothered as well.
But most importantly, the loads of loneliness always had drowned me.
But I SURviVed.
I survived All
I really feel happy to feel that my projects and stuff are done successfully,
Thanks to my friends, for keeping up my motivations,
thanks to Allah, ofcourse for that Blessing Hand
on me.
Now is time to relax and Ponder on what is left to be done.
Time waits for None, and I will be Time now.


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