Final Sem Break with my handsome friends
Next morning me and Hallar, a new friend of mine studying in Linton University KL and one of my neighbors back home, decided to go visit Attaullah and Imtiaz at KLCC and have lunch with them. At lunch, luckily we also met sugar. It was really very nice to see him after so long and like always he was a gentle man. We all had lunch together and then we decided to visit Atta’s office at 16th floor. Well it might seem nothing for some people like atta to be at such place, but I know, visiting KLCC towers and some more working or even being at offices is a dream of many and So I was really excited to see the offices.
Attaullah making tea for us at his office pantry

After visiting we decided to hang around KLCC, while they finish their working time. Me and Hallar went to bank to withdraw and deposit some money. Hallar wanted to deposit some money, he put RM 250 in machine, when it opened its mouth, and then HE PRESSED the CANCEL button, instead of Proceed. So Puffffff. Machine ate all his money, with slip saying, go see bank. HAHHA.. it was so funny. Later we had to write an application and wait there for 2 hours to get things done.
After a while some shopping and then wandering around with Imtiaz and Atta. We later went to china town and visited the nearby places there and this is how the first day passed.
Next day on 19th May, most of the time was spent sleeping and then shopping at nearby Jusco. It was some kind of Member discount or something. But honestly I haven’t seen people go crazy in Malaysia like ever before. People were chanting, shouting, calling for low discounts products, there were like thousands of them in jusco, all restaurants crowded, people buying and carrying things like crazy, very lengthy ques at food courts, payment counters and everywhere. I saw a lady, buying some 2 trolley cans. She was pulling and pushing 2 trolleys simultaneously completely filled with that cans. Wow.. People at Malaysia can Really go Crazy sometimes.. AHHAHA.. For saving a ringgit or two, they don’t mind keeping the stock for years. Haha
20th May, went to receive and farewell my best and closest friend at airport and then returned around 4 pm. Later we decided to go Times Square. Wandering, shopping and finally a movie, the complete package. Watching Pirates of Caribbean at Times square was a hell of fun. We returned late around 12 that day to home.
My trip ended on 22nd of May. Even I have been to KL for so many times, even the city is a marvel itself and does not need any one's admiration, for me i believe the city doesn’t matter at all. As long as you are around friends, the place is already a fun.. the memory I shared here will never be forgotten now.
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