Final Semester in Undergraduate

Honestly Speaking, University has never been so lonely, so weird and strange like this before.
While I was coming back from Ipoh after buying a laptop, as nearer i was getting to UTP, the more upset I became.
There was a time, when I used to be excited to come back, realizing that, new semester means new challenges, new learning and new friends. But this time, no such hope or desire was there.
The first day of university.. Tuesday
I can not say, i was motivational, but for sure there was something different in me this time.
For last three years, while I used to walk around in campus, my eyes used to search my friend, some of very close friends. I hoped i could find them at pocket D, at campus blocks or may be at IRC, but now NO MORE.
This time, i dint had any hope to see any one, because I knew they are gone, i knew I cant find the friend around anymore. I recognized the faces of most of the people around me, but dont know why it seemed like this was the first day of UTP. May be UTP has changed or is it that due to some people i feel it different.
Some people, who used to be there around, well.. farewell to those. Fare well to the friend. Farewell.
This semester, I am taking three subjects. Power Systems II, Electrical Machines II and French, the first 2 to complete my double majors, however i know it would not have any benefit.

Power Sytems II, 3 students in class, very weird although, but interesting
Electrical Machines, 2nd week, but havnt attended any class yet, Lazy Me.
French ... Learning Language is always interesting.
Last week, I tried to do some positive things, to bypass the pain and grief. I with drew some novels and tried to read them to pass time. Learning new features at my Laptop and installing new software, Watching Movies.. 2-3 movies per day, until i dont remember which story belonged to which movie. HAHA.
My University Life has always been exceptional, ups and downs, happiness and sorrows, joys and griefs, May be many have it much similar to me, but i would say, mine is unique,
Because of some people, those unique people, without whom living life is hard, who had accompanied for so long,
helping me, supporting me, and even some praying for me,
Thanks to them, My life would have been different without them,
Different and WOrst.
I cant say my life is good now, but the time and memory with best friend, is something, will always cherish me and help me go through all hurdles in my life.

I hope all my friends, around the world are happy and healthy. Without them, I am nothing. May be to some, i dont have much meaning, but some have very high and precious place in my life.


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